Sarah L. Blum ARNP  is a Nurse Psychotherapist and Healer in private practice for

over 33 years. She was born in Atlantic City, New Jersey and began her studies at

the Albert Einstein Medical Center School of Nursing in Philadelphia, PA. and 

graduated 2nd in her class of 60. She received her Bachelor's Degree in nursing 

from Seattle University, graduating Summa Cum Laude. From there she went on 

to the University of Washington and received her Master's Degree in Psychosocial 

Nursing graduating Cum Laude. 

Sarah is a decorated Vietnam Veteran, having served in the Army Nurse Corps for

almost five years. She was an operating room nurse at the 12th Evacuation Hospital

in Cu Chi, Vietnam from January 1967 to January 1968. The Vietnam experience

changed her. In 1968 at Madigan General Hospital she saw physical wounds not

healing properly because of the mental/emotional state of the wounded soldiers.

Sarah began a quest at that time to understand the power of our thoughts and 

feelings to manifest body and life experiences. It led to a career as a psychotherapist

with a specialty in healing PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder). Sarah went through

her own experience of PTSD and healed from it. Now she assists others both military 

and civilians heal from PTSD. The Military does not believe it can be healed, only 


Sarah has interviewed over 50 women veterans over the past three years and is

currently writing Women Under Fire: Abuse in the Military and Women Under Fire: PTSD and Healing. Her website is:

Sarah has two grown children: A daughter who is an MSW and who works with patients

in a cancer treatment center and a son who is a professional musician and college teacher.

Sarah also has three granddaughters ages 5, 8, and 21.

Sarah L. Blum